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tv   [untitled]    February 17, 2013 1:00am-1:30am EST

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the news that dominated the week a once in a century media earth exploded with the force of more than twenty year russian mob bombs in the skies a central russian even more than falls in two hundred people injured. fresh violent clashes overshadow attempts at a talks in bufferin as police fired tear gas at hundreds of stone throwing activists following the two year anniversary of the start of the anti-government demonstrations. a red rag to the face of the global
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community in north korea spots outrage carrying out a third nuclear test used by the u.n. bad and international sanctions. so you was back to mass in the arab spring countries in nato to do list and afghanistan are to takes a look at the global issues president obama wasn't going to talk about drinking as much as the braided state of the union address. and to news of the pope is to be the first the head of the catholic church to step down in six centuries across the country in the world the pontiff that his health would no longer permitted him to fulfill his fruit.
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you're watching our tease of the week leave you with me to bomb was a live here from the russian capital good to have you with us it was the made that became a huge media stop and the one event that dominated the headlines at the end of this week shooting and slashing across the skies of central russia. it's one of the only times a major of such a size has been captured coming to the residence a shot footage from every angle possible as it fell in the year olds the girls from space also stole the spotlight from an even bigger stride that make a record close approach to earth on friday r.t. if you go to prescreen of has been tracking the shooting star. it was like a scene from a scythe or a movie but with one exception it was real first the brilliant flash this big
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bright like he was shining across the sky you know blinding brighter than the sun the skies were lit up by a meteor streaking across the skies above the russians. over want to have thousand kilometers east of moscow where not just unusual glare on the floor i thought it was lies from a car then we went to the window saw this strange cloud and then and then this. would turn around and the wall was a gun and someone had moved it this use of massive explosions rocked the entire city damaging buildings and shattering windows. nasa said the explosive force of the media were breaking up was the equivalent of two one to hear oshima bombs over twelve hundred people were injured including over two hundred children mostly from pieces of shattered glass. the windows just
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exploded i saw one girl he had and a bring his hand we were told to quickly put our clothes on and ran outside and many were able to film the owner of the phenomenon later flooding the web with footage as rumors spread of what it might have been a stricken airplane a satellite that fell out of orbit even the beginning of the and of the world would mrs reported seeing fragments of the crashing all across the region. i saw a small can there was a weird smell but it was not a fire so i think it's a piece of meteorite and a small during there no however most of the sightings turned out to be ordinary peed bug fires because so far officials have not found any fragments of the media or for now the immediate priority. to look after the injured and repair the damage to buildings especially the broken windows in schools and residential areas as temperatures at marriott's drop below minus fifteen c. is just another reminder that no matter how advanced technology gets nowadays when
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it comes to nature often we can only watch helplessly and hope for the best you've got this kind of party. central russia. the year to witness a once in a lifetime event as it has become the biggest meter to hit the planet in a century basically here you can watch exactly how it approached our planet to the ten thousand ton fireball as you can see the spinning over there. at the speed of twenty kilometers per second speck was like ninety and finally breaking apart when it hit the earth you know such objects entering the atmosphere are relatively common but usually they don't make it to the surface instead burning up in the atmosphere it was of course visible in all of four regions in russia but mainly out here in chile a b. and ski region all this map you can see that areas that suffered the most of the
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ferocity of the five hundred killer to an explosion equivalent to more than the twenty nuclear bombs but joining me right now is a postcard who's going to share a little bit of light on this story in terms of how it's done around the world paul let me start of by saying that it's one of those stories that have gone world wide i'm talking from london to south africa to new york to japan why has this story become such a big you know this is a tiny little place in russia why is it making such headlines you know what makes t.v. news basically it's quite simple it's something that's rare you don't hear much more of the nation happens once every one hundred years or so in the chairman's region as you say it's got a human interest story twelve hundred people were injured and. fifty or so hospitalized seriously houses were damaged glass was smashed and knowing about the dramatic pictures as we can see here you see lights in the sky the bright flashes
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there has pretty much everything you could want from a global news story and it's the rarity and the drama that means it's gone global headlines of across the world as you say from london to new york to boston to south africa the headlines have been been made and it's been a global story for its rarity and the dramatic nature of the pictures i mean in terms of well i guess in terms of some of the headlines they were rather dramatic you know some say it felt like this seinfeld down let's talk about the phenomenal of social media and how stories like this are covered in social media and how they come and go people go crazy over them how old is something like twitter so it's not it's that totally changed the nature of how stories like this reporter people on the ground not only people on the ground eyewitnesses instantly they can take pictures on their smartphones and it's out there for the world to see but something that we've also noticed is the these are which jokes can be passed around easily like i mean i'm just looking at some of this there you go you got the president
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right there on the meteor and that started by the way a gentleman picture we all know that but i mean it's just the the the light side of this event i mean some people did get injured but then there's other people say well you know what let's just lofted us self let's have a little bit of wind here let's hume ourselves i heard something interesting that this made you right actually now has its own twitter page where probably you much more frequently than i do so this is something you'll be due to read more than you did you know i was quite fascinated find out if you can hear a sheep but. are you following the media i will be from today on. we were talking about the jokes there in the picture of lot of the putin president putin and you can see that the tone in some of these tweets from from residents and eyewitnesses who. hearted i think everyone's not taken in their stride because it's not the type of thing that you can so you don't see on a day to day basis is once every century that this sort of thing happens but you can see that people have taken in my stride and with good humor as well absolutely
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i mean you know there you go one saying valentine's day from the sky shooting stars there were people there who did take some of this stuff quite seriously who said you know if we were in. the urals is knowing the air is known for having nuclear plants what if. it would have happened that he went into one of those plants some of those have been serious tweets that people have yeah what you can see here that there was an air of panic the swept across the the region of chile avon's whether it was sort of tongue in cheek as you mention that there are nuclear facilities in the region one in particular the quite well known and a catastrophe in one nine hundred fifty seven in which the fallout is still happening to this day is the the mayak atomic waste storage and treatment center it wasn't quite on par with chernobyl but it was probably the soviet union the second biggest you killer disaster back in one nine hundred fifty seven so there are new killer sites there this one for example let me just give you some facts and figures five hundred sixty tons of uranium fuel thirty tons of reactor grade plutonium and
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half a million tons of radioactive waste on that site alone so we could have been quite a disaster had the the shock wave from this meteor or affected any of these nuclear facilities thankfully that isn't what happened just to talk through the damage you know with the main thing that was reported in the girl's place there was the sort of damage had windows in smashed gloss because the damage was caused the destruction was caused by the shockwave not by the meteorite itself colliding with it so there was no impact as such and all this destruction that you can see you can see the windows and the building shaking that's caused by the shockwave as the meteo enters the south and then the shockwave is created and that's what caused the damage scientists obviously are going to be looking out to see if they can get any scrabbles of what's left of it. do you think they would to and it is the first time that something like this has ever happened in russia no not at all in nineteen zero
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eight that was the largest meteor of its kind to arrive before friday happened to be in russia as well let me just talk through that. to our history and we're going to be on your way in a while but while we're getting bad too. video radio ok there we go well you can you can see it was it was such a vast area this was much bigger than anything we've seen on friday richard five point zero on the richter scale you talk about the importance of this scientists are fascinated they want to get hold of pieces of the meteorite because you can see that this was ten years after nine hundred because the area was so remote researchers and scientists couldn't get there and i think scientists of today with the modern technology champing at the bit to try and find anything they can from the one that landed on friday let's hear from one of our guests that we spoke to on our way asteroids come from and all kinds of fascinating things you know what happens next let's listen to this question for the future must be could they be
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predicted. i would think with more satellite and space research you could get some sort of warning of these coming provided they can see the two most similar thing is there's a lot lot of sky out there and the speed of this thing with this goes. one of the whole times around the world in an hour that's the speed it will go about it is going to strike large so it's really fast you say even if it's some way away. slowly in the sky then but the question is when a long way away they look very small but i mean that's an issue maybe there should be an international effort to exactly scan the scars to prepare for things like this. now of course paul pierce so coburn was saying that they we need to all work together in terms of finding out anything that we could starting some kind of a starred trike sort of society scientists around the world coming together to do that would you be willing to if anything was found would you be willing to buy anything like a little stir fry things i would say it's a once in
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a lifetime occurrence isn't it because you have to have a little man walk around with you and say no but he's saying this for a hundred years and they probably would say it again for a hundred years i think say all right well hopefully the scientists can find something anything come on that's possible out here with me in the studio. in bahrain there have been fresh clashes as police used tear gas against hundreds of protesters armed with stones and firebombs the scums are following the funeral of a teenager who was allegedly shot by authorities earlier this week during a rally marking two years since the start of an empty government and. the violence has marred the week only talks between the mostly shiite muslim opposition and the sunni dominated government. demanding an end to the ruling family's total political
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domination but london based activists in germany could come a cab says and there are a few signs that the country's leaders generally one reforms. we're looking at two years in which we've seen in no reform we've seen nothing change i mean we started this uprising two years ago. on that day the first martyr of the uprising was killed and now two years later on the same day they're bringing another teenager has been killed and they're in shows and display the continuous human rights abuses the continuous repression taking place on the streets about her and it's good the dialogue has come back on the agenda and there is discussions happening but it seems that you know this latest latest escalation of the security against the people is going to possibly provide. within the ruling family i think of course there are those who simply want to please the international community to say look
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we're having this dialogue and there is not a great thing was continuing with the violations on the street. and the most important speech in the american political calander president obama look to both lawmakers and the electorate on side in the first stage of the union address and his reelection obama talked about the fate of arab spring countries and expanded plans to bring home troops from afghanistan it is ghana just you can has been listening to what the president had to say. in his state of the union speech president obama outlined some of the external threats that the country speccing first of all pair of spreading to different parts of the world from what he said although the u.s. is pulling troops out of afghanistan america's war on terror will continue to listen it's true different al qaeda affiliates in extremist groups have emerged from the peninsula to africa the threat these groups pose is involved. but to meet this threat we don't need to send tens of thousands of our sons and
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daughters abroad occupying other nations we will continue to take direct action against those terrorists who pose the greatest threat to america although there was no mentioning of the word drone everyone knew that's what the president meant when saying direct with no us troops involved what he did not talk about was the limits for this war that inspiration is waging with a remote control the justification that the administration gave in john brennan's words. don't punish people for past guilt strike before they take action that offers a very broad scope for the use of drones to afghanistan president obama wants to leave some troops on the ground past twenty four thousand when they're supposed to be all out in the speech you mentioned ongoing negotiations with the afghan government on that issue and it's going to be a hard bargain because the afghan government wrists further spearing anger of their own population over foreign military presence one could sense a change maybe even your concern as the president on the results of the revolution
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in the arab world he said it's quote unquote messy he said the u.s. cannot dictate the course of changing countries like very very briefly pressure on syria there was a change of. remember how the u.s. was cheerleading for revolutions in those countries just a year ago with radical forces gaining momentum in places like syria like libya maybe the changes that we've now in the region are not much to their liking among other threats america faces the president talked about cyber attacks he said he had issued an executive order to protect government agencies for structure from cyber attacks but he did not mention is how the u.s. government itself is carrying out cyber attacks like the reported cyber attack on iran's nuclear program while there's no proof that they're building in this administration said it would view a serious cyber attack a. yes the united states is an act of war but apparently when the u.s.
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carries out the attack it should not be seen as an act of war. north korea is reportedly preparing for more atomic test a spy deep international ngo after they detonated a third nuclear bomb one choose state young and described the move as an effort to show up its national security and safeguard its seventy i guess what it called a dre just us hostility from the communist state is already laboring under heavy international sanctions and has been banned from any such activity by the u.n. the country had previously tarried out two atomic tests and is believed to possess a small stuff out of the nuclear warheads the un security council unanimously condemns north korea's action and pledge to beef up sanctions against it asia base independent news editor james covered says the timing of the test raises many questions. really i think going to fall into a lot of diplomatic pressure on china to use its leverage with north koreans and i imagine that officials in beijing must have known that this this was coming
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probably in the next few days and it certainly is it couldn't have happened at a worse time internationally speaking it's the lunar new year in china so basically the entire country is on holiday and in the u.s. so you there is no confirmed secretary of defense or central intelligence director so it's a very interesting time throw that through into that the wild card of xi jinping we don't know much about him or how he's going to leave china and the fact that kim jong un is a relatively new leader as well you also have the new army government in japan and there's a lot of wildcards in this mix to see how this is going to shake out but i think on the question of china specifically if they have a lot of pressure that they can put on north korea. footballer wagner's lover has come clean on why he wasn't always his best on the pitch the brazilian of you spent seven years with a major muscle club says he was time between the sheets was to blame for his performance all the failed to get the details online and.
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he planned to build a replica all the titanic and safely recreate the transatlantic voyage has caused a stir with some people offering more than a million dollars for a ticket plan of how the ship builders plan to avoid the fate of its predecessors on the one side. technology innovation all the developments around russia we've. covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then something else. and realize everything. i'm tom harkin welcome to the big picture.
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more news today violence flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. today. welcome back. pro benedict the sixteenth announce his resignation an assault move at the start of the week he says the ill health forced him to make the decision becoming the first pope to resign in six hundred years pappas he has been plagued by scandal most notably accusations of
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a brawl cover up of child abuse within the catholic church and the abuse campaign that barbara doris says the pope didn't do enough to address paedophilia during his eight years in the position which means believe that he of words he showed there was filthy lucre stirred he apologized to the victims but he took no action he didn't discipline a single church official for hiding enabling children to predators for you know moving them from country to country from guys used to diocese so until he does that nothing has changed and we believe the words were just empty empty promises we have a bishop in the united states that was convicted of child endangerment and is still being allowed to run a diocese the message is clear if you follow the company line if you keep this secret if you put the reputation of the church above this of the children then you will be promoted what a terrible message to send many people no longer trust church officials like they
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did in the past and that's a very sad statement that you can't trust your bishops. a scandal has erupted in israel after the country's government was forced to acknowledge the death of a prisoner linked to israel secretive service that mission follows a report in those trillion media which revealed a melbourne man hanged himself in prison in twenty ten and the man was reportedly held in such secrecy not even prison guards knew his name it's reported that the so-called prisoner x. was involved in israeli espionage in neighboring countries the story had been originally hushed up in the israeli media with the order reportedly coming from the very top columnist and senior correspondent for israel's newspaper. the entire situation is a source of embarrassment for the country. and coming up is in his unparalleled musical manage targets u.s. gun policy in its knees.
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united states is based on. you know i care rest that you'll never have the fall still play local news is welcome to the show today come on out to sing we've just got a studio upgrade like i'm on the system is devoted to the debate which is built to be devoted to the united states has to work for it pick mass shootings for the receipts it to say new look stupid wants someone to tell them and to stop the bloodshed on this one to prevent government coming from is there an absence of the steam past we can still expect guests from opposing factions lift to respond seat back is a representative of the black panthers problem is you know why this ended beyond judgments reach peace compassion in abundance the illegality of the entire we are to see some of it not interests i agree but why ban guns once you learn to read
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them you kidding the second amendment is the sacred law beyond gun guns are evil people are insisting suggested john crimes umask only happen when people don't have access to semiautomatic weapons and we were given this precious right to bear arms not for hunting bears but to protect just you don't farm from each of americans who are defending the land from the colonists no property from our own free government mistakes the winter when it comes to pay to try to take power they take the people look at hitler stalin told tom harkin's listen chavez george the third in fact is that a brit x. six seventy seventy six look up sometimes you can't tell him what comes try to tell god is ok let's hear from general but it's the first time we've had you both in the studio together frankly i'm shocked by what business about people american lives the tragic eleven thousand gun murders that you can be truly we need to stop this insanity to see justice our new citizenry leave guns to the criminals smugglers and
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the military with mission is the key. we need a war on drugs and we're like our war on drugs coming from my cold hand and so far general place i understand the respect for the second amendment play a little can you predict events like the overseer saw. him when temperance shooting shooters aim shooting told to go you've been taking your meds the feds will go away to warn you david koresh of the school shooting that incident in connecticut was a deliberate orchestrated spike set up with aim to take our weapons and make the best of them better use them plus a couple times they can find. some like st are waiting to take the united states and be able to get a permit to take their ship in this case are the only one standing in the way of it if the slaves want guns let them be our supremacy doesn't depend on weaponry which still is media money and makes we control every aspect of your life why the logical examination but if you think you can just stop to read then what you're waiting for
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the authorities strip you of your liberty for the simple might seem to be if you once are bold. globalists. well i guess that sums it up and brings us to point to the end of our report on guns in the divided states of america sadly it's not our place to pass judgment but listen with a question and a last comment if your passion for the second amendment were missed by down the budget and an independent onus media. the free internet the president today
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wouldn't speak of it until the day if it's in the piece no big number it's the journey begins summit follows the first and best line of defense license being seventy along with guns with the truth stay safe everyone. wealthy british style. time.
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market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our. people don't understand what the european union.


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